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Subject: Questions for Admin Head Admin or Game Developers
When or what are the next lot of updates going to be for W2????
Players and clans would probably like to work out what goals they can aim for
A lot of players play both worlds and can see what is happening in W1
I know W1 is being used as a testing ground for the new ideas but W2 is getting left behind once again
The developers are obviously busy,although there are things in W1 that seem to work fine
1.the extra stat boosting drinks from bar
2.the amount of deals W1 is offered compared to W2
3.Clan Buildings what types are coming?? how many CBR medals are needed ??? there was talk you could buy the buildings with platinum????
W2 was starting to pick up again players were returning again have a look now it is back to where it was a few months ago b4 TA's competition
Some people may consider this whingeing all i am saying is please give us a fair crack as well
TBH you might be surprised at the loyal supporters you have in W2 that enjoy the game
Cheers B
anyone and everyone please feel free to comment

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Time Posted: December 30 2010 09:59 pm EST
Last updated: January 3 2011 07:05 am EST


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