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Subject: Eminence Class - Guide from w1
Before I start with the guide, here are the Eminence Classes[/green

Paramount Archer - Basic Class: Archer
Arch Bishop - Basic Class: Acolyte
Furtive Assassin - Basic Class: Thief
Blackguard Rogue - Basic Class: Thief
Sword Terpsichorean - Basic Class: Swordsman
Expert Marksman - Basic Class: Archer
True Blade - Basic Class: Swordsman
Regnant Wizard - Basic Class: Mage
Battle Mage - Basic Class: Mage
Dark Priest - Basic Class: Acolyte

On your basic class (the class you are currently using) depends whether you'll become one Eminence Class or another...

# Why to become Eminence?

If I may quote Feltash: ''Eminence Classes allow you to train you to become one of the most powerful players in this world. New skills, new statistic extras and more.''

Now to translate ( ): Once you become an Eminence Player, you will be able to get these features:

A) 50 APs. They will be allocated according to the Eminence Class you picked.

Here is the AP Allocation for each class:

Paramount Archer - AP Gains: +25 Agility, + 25 Strength
Arch Bishop - AP Gains: +25 Strength, +25 Wisdom
Furtive Assassin - AP Gains: +25 Strength, +25 Agility
Blackguard Rogue - AP Gains: +50 Agility
Sword Terpsichorean - AP Gains: +50 Agility
Expert Marksman - AP Gains: +50 Agility
True Blade - AP Gains: +25 Strength, +25 Agility
Regnant Wizard - AP Gains: +50 Wisdom
Battle Mage - AP Gains: +25 Strength, +25 Wisdom
Dark Priest - AP Gains: +25 Strength, +25 Defense

B) New skills available at the Chamber Of Wisdom! To buy these skills you will have to do the following:
01. Go to Westland -> Chamber Of Wisdom
02. Click on: View skills on offer
03. Click on: [All]
04. Scroll down to the bottom of the list to find skills that are made for Eminence Classes. These skills are available from level 95 and above, but so far there are only 2 skills per one Eminence Class (one on level 95, and another available on level 110). The skills that are available for level 95 all absorb 35 wisdom, while those that are available on level 110 all absorb 40 wisdom.
Once you find your class, just buy the skill that is available...

# Eminence class guide - GENERAL INFO

Note: I took most of the following from B.U.N's original post, that can be found in Game Help.

To get an Eminence Class, first you will need to be level 95, at least.

Once you reach this level, follow these steps:
01. Go to Westland -> Specialization (it's under City Limits)
02. Click on: ''Yes I would''
03. Click again: ''Yes let's start!''
Then this message will appear: ''I can't seem to find my Book!''
04. Go to Westland -> Trapping, enter the forest and set your trap. Go back to Westland every now and then and enter Trapping again. After you found your trap, maybe you've caught some animal and maybe not, it doesn't matter at this point.
Note[/i If you can't find your trap, just keep clicking on Continue Walking until you find it...
05. Go back to Westland and then go to Specialization. If old man says that you haven't found the the book, then you will have to repeat step #04. After you're done, go back to Specialization again.
- If you found the book, once when you return to Specialization, the Old man will say: ''Wonderful! You found the book!''
06. Click on: ''Umm.. you never told me about choosing a class''
07. Choose what Eminence Class you desire and click on Continue
WARNING[/red Once you choose your Eminence Class, you won't be able to change it! However, you will be able to change your regular class (acolyte, mage, etc.), but once you picked your Eminence Class, it is final!
08. Click on: Yes
Old man will then say: ''Great Job! Come back later after you have rested! Only 5 sessions left!''
09. Wait until your energy is restored and go back to Specialization. You will see this message: ''Great Job! Come back later after you have rested! Only 4 sessions left!''
Just keep going in Specialization each revive, or use food/drinks to restore your energy.
10. ''Old Man: 'Are you ready to continue your studies? Be warned it will be VERY exhausting and take all of your energy!' ''
Click: Yes
After that, repeat step #09.
11. When you're done, you will see this message: View my Eminence Class Options
Note: There are 2 options. They depend of your basic class (acolyte, mage, thief, archer, swordsman). For each class, there are two options available, two Eminence Classes between which you can choose...
For example, if your basic class is Thief, you will be able to choose between: Blackguard Rogue and Furtive Assassin (as stated above).
Once you make up your mind, click on the desired Eminence Class.
12. You will see this message: ''!!Warning!! You can ONLY level your character once!
This action cannot be undone.''
Note: This means you can not go back to your basic class, once you decide to become an Eminence!
Click on: Train
13. ''Old Man: 'Looks like you are now *** ! Let me be the first to Congratulate you for a job well done!' ''
Note that instead of *** you will see the class you have chosen!

WARNING[/red While passing these steps, you will read how you won't be able to attack other players...That's a lie! As an Eminence you can now attack anyone you want! Anyone!

Done! You are eminence now

# Characteristics - GENERAL INFO

- You can use serfs normally, according to your basic class. However, you can change your basic class any time you want, so, basically, you can use any serf, depending of whether or not you are willing to pay 50 Sapphires to change your class (that is, IF you don't like your current basic class and serfs it has).
- You can level down to level 1 using Elements, as normal players (no limitations).
- You can attack all basic class and Eminence Class players!


NOTE[/i All the prices below are in Platinum!

Sword Terpsichorean

01. Name: Great Cleave
Description: Take a huge swing with your weapon and make your attack through your opponent
Wisdom cost: 35
Class: Sword Terpsichorean
Min level: 95
Price: 750
02. Name: Duel Wield Attack
Description: As you go to make your attack you draw a small dagger to finish your opponent
Wisdom cost: 40
Class: Sword Terpsichorean
Min level: 110
Price: 1000

Paramount Archer

01. Name: Rapid Shot
Description: Make multiple shots
Wisdom cost: 35
Class: Paramount Archer
Min level: 95
Price: 750
02. Name: Autoloader
Description: You affix an autoloading device to your weapon
Wisdom cost: 40
Class: Paramount Archer
Min level: 110
Price: 1000

Arch Bishop

01.Name: Strike of Righteousness
Description: You lash out to smite your foes with a Righteous anger
Wisdom cost: 35
Class: Arch Bishop
Min level: 95
Price: 750
02. Name: Holy Hand Grenade
Description: Throw a Holy Hand Grenade towards thy foe!
Wisdom cost: 40
Class: Arch Bishop
Min level: 110
Price: 1000

Furtive Assassin

01. Name: Piercing Stab
Description: Piercing armor is no longer a problem
Wisdom cost: 35
Class: Furtive Assassin
Min level: 95
Price: 750
02. Name: Ambush
Description: Ambush your enemy
Wisdom cost: 40
Class: Furtive Assassin
Min level: 110
Price: 1000

Blackguard Rogue

01. Name: Strike of Pain
Description: Make a standard attack with your dagger then twist the blade
Wisdom cost: 35
Class: Blackguard Rogue
Min level: 95
Price: 750
02. Name: Crimson Blade
Description: Inflict a wound that bleeds continuously
Wisdom cost: 40
Class: Blackguard Rogue
Min level: 110
Price: 1000

Expert Marksman

01. Name: True Shot
Description: Launch a single Projectile with deadly accuracy
Wisdom cost: 35
Class: Expert Marksman
Min level: 95
Price: 750
02. Name: Telescopic Eyeglasses
Description: Quickly Equip Telescopic Eyeglasses for an extra ranged shot
Wisdom cost: 40
Class: Expert Marksman
Min level: 110
Price: 1000

True Blade

01. Name: Furious Attack
Description: You can unleash a Furious Attack and overwhelm your enemy
Wisdom cost: 35
Class: True Blade
Min level: 95
Price: 750
02. Name: Concentrated Blow
Description: Make one extremely powerful blow to your opponent
Wisdom cost: 40
Class: True Blade
Min level: 110
Price: 1000

Regnant Wizard

01. Name: Meteor Storm
Description: A large storm of Meteors fall from the sky to crush your opponent
Wisdom cost: 35
Class: Regnant Wizard
Min level: 95
Price: 750
02. Name: Polar Ray
Description: The power of the Earths Polar Opposites combined into a directible Ray
Wisdom cost: 40
Class: Regnant Wizard
Min level: 110
Price: 1000

Battle Mage

01. Name: Circle of Fire
Description: Create a Circle of Fire around your enemy
Wisdom cost: 35
Class: Battle Mage
Min level: 95
Price: 750
02. Name: Ice Touch
Description: Make an Iced Touched attack to inflict damage to your opponent
Wisdom cost: 40
Class: Battle Mage
Min level: 110
Price: 1000

Dark Priest

01. Name: Darkness
Description: Surround your enemy in darkness
Wisdom cost: 35
Class: Dark Priest
Min level: 95
Price: 750
02. Name: Evil Release
Description: Release all evil from within to strike your enemy
Wisdom cost: 40
Class: Dark Priest
Min level: 110
Price: 1000


Sword Terpsichorean

01. Great Cleave - This skill is based on your Strength
02. Duel Wield Attack- This skill is based on your Agility and Strength
Note: This information has been provided by Edgardo Perez


I think these players deserved to be mentioned somewhere, due to the fact they were among the first who became Eminence...
# Anonymous - the first Blackguard Rogue
# Diablo - the first True Blade (or so I think...)

SPECIAL THANKS[/u Edgardo Perez (for insights about Sword Terpsichorean class), B.U.N (for creating the original guide), Rutabaga [261382] (for adding the missing AP gains), SwineFlu [51729] (for adding the missing AP gains),

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Time Posted: September 8 2009 09:01 am EDT
Last updated: November 6 2009 08:45 am EST


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